Sanctions Compliance

5 Strategies for Sanctions Compliance in Third-Party Risk Management

In this article, learn key strategies for effective sanctions compliance in third-party risk management that mitigate risks and protect against financial crimes and reputational damage.

Editorial Team
October 24, 2024

Sanctions compliance is not just about adhering to international laws and regulations, but also about safeguarding your organisation from potential financial crimes and reputational damage

Understanding and effectively managing sanction risks is a complex task, requiring a comprehensive approach and a well-structured compliance program. It's about navigating the intricate web of sanction regulations and ensuring that your organisation is not inadvertently associated with high-risk individuals or entities.

Third parties bring an interesting element to the mix - and managing third-party risk requires careful planning and execution. Emphasis must be laid on a risk-based approach, wherein the relevant enforcement of sanction regulation takes precedence.

Diverse sanction regimes worldwide make it vital to construct a comprehensive sanction compliance program. This program should not only efficiently manage high-risk individuals and entities, but also deter potential financial crime. Through your due diligence efforts, your compliance team should be able to uphold the principles of your risk management program and address any sanction risks effectively.

Let’s take a closer look. 


Strategies for Sanctions Compliance in TPRM

Third-party relationships have become critical to the success of many organisations. Whether it's vendors, suppliers, contractors, or business partners, the need to engage with third parties is integral to operational efficiency. However, these relationships come with inherent risks—particularly in regard to sanctions compliance. The increasing complexity of geopolitical conflicts and regulatory changes makes it imperative for companies to implement strong risk management strategies to ensure they do not inadvertently violate sanctions.

Sanctions, which are often imposed by governments or international bodies, aim to prevent financial crimes, including money laundering and terrorism financing. Non-compliance with sanctions can result in heavy fines, loss of reputation, and even criminal charges. Therefore, adopting an effective sanctions compliance strategy is essential for managing third-party risk. 

Here are five key strategies to ensure sanctions compliance within third-party risk management.

1. Implement a Robust Sanctions Screening Process

At the heart of sanctions compliance lies the sanctions screening process. This process involves vetting all third parties—vendors, suppliers, and contractors—against global sanctions lists. These lists, such as the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) or the European Union's restrictive measures, identify individuals, entities, or countries that are subject to sanctions.

A comprehensive sanctions screening program should be proactive and continuous. Screening should not be a one-time process conducted at the onboarding stage but a recurring task throughout the business relationship. Given that sanctions lists are regularly updated to reflect new geopolitical realities, your screening process should be dynamic to capture any changes. It is vital to scrutinise not only direct third parties but also beneficial owners and subcontractors to avoid indirect relationships with sanctioned entities.

Best Practices for Sanctions Screening:

  • Leverage automated sanctions screening software to regularly scan global sanction lists, like 
  • Ensure real-time updates to capture any changes in sanctions regulations.
  • Include both individuals and entities in the screening process, focusing on identifying beneficial owners to mitigate risks.

2. Conduct Comprehensive Due Diligence

Due diligence plays a pivotal role in managing third-party risk and ensuring sanctions compliance. It goes beyond merely screening a third party against sanctions lists; due diligence requires a thorough examination of the third party’s background, operations, and relationships. This process ensures that your organisation understands the risk profile of each third party before engaging in any transaction.

A critical part of this due diligence process is assessing the geopolitical, financial, and reputational risks associated with a third party’s location and operations. For example, a supplier based in a country with known human rights violations or political instability might pose a higher risk of being subject to sanctions. Furthermore, conducting a deep dive into the ownership structure of third parties can reveal hidden relationships with sanctioned individuals or entities.

Steps for Effective Due Diligence:

  • Perform in-depth research into the business practices and ownership structures of potential third parties.
  • Regularly update the risk assessment process to reflect changes in the geopolitical landscape.
  • Utilise third-party risk management software that incorporates due diligence data for a holistic approach to compliance.

3. Adopt a Layered Approach to Risk Management

Sanctions compliance is a complex and multi-faceted endeavour, requiring more than a one-size-fits-all solution. A layered approach—also known as a multi-line defence strategy—allows organisations to create several levels of oversight to detect and mitigate potential sanctions risks. This approach improves both the accuracy and efficiency of sanctions compliance by spreading out responsibility across various teams and systems.

For example, the first line of defence might involve the operational teams responsible for onboarding third parties, ensuring that initial sanctions checks are in place. The second line could include compliance officers who provide a more in-depth analysis of high-risk parties. Lastly, internal audit teams serve as the third line of defence, conducting periodic reviews to ensure that the sanctions compliance program remains effective.

Benefits of a Layered Approach:

  • Multiple lines of defence help to catch potential issues that might slip through the cracks.
  • Compliance teams can focus their resources on high-risk third parties.
  • Internal audits ensure continuous improvement of the sanctions compliance framework.

4. Leverage Technology for Sanctions Monitoring and Reporting

In an era of rapid technological advancement, manual monitoring for sanctions compliance can be inefficient and prone to errors. Leveraging automation and advanced technology can significantly improve your third-party risk management strategy. Sanctions screening tools powered by artificial intelligence (AI) can automatically monitor third-party activities, flagging any potential sanctions violations in real-time.

These tools can also generate comprehensive reports that help compliance teams better understand third-party risks. By automating routine compliance checks, organisations can focus on more complex tasks, such as evaluating high-risk parties or updating compliance strategies in response to new regulations.

Technological Solutions for Sanctions Compliance:

  • Implement AI-powered sanctions screening tools to monitor third parties in real-time.
  • Use machine learning algorithms to detect patterns and anomalies that could indicate non-compliance.
  • Automate reporting processes to ensure accurate and timely submission to regulatory bodies.

5. Establish a Culture of Compliance

Sanctions compliance should not solely be the responsibility of the compliance department—it must be embedded into the organisational culture. Establishing a culture of compliance starts with leadership and trickles down to every employee. Training programs should be in place to educate staff on the importance of sanctions compliance, the risks associated with non-compliance, and how to recognize red flags in third-party relationships.

Moreover, a strong sanctions compliance culture encourages employees to report any suspicious activity related to third parties. This can be achieved through anonymous whistleblower programs and clear communication channels for raising concerns. When compliance becomes part of the company’s DNA, the risk of inadvertent sanctions violations is significantly reduced.

Key Elements for Building a Compliance Culture:

  • Provide ongoing sanctions compliance training for employees at all levels.
  • Encourage transparent communication and reporting of potential sanctions violations.
  • Ensure that leadership demonstrates a commitment to compliance through actions and policies.

Common Challenges in Sanctions Compliance

Navigating the complex landscape of international sanctions is one of the most critical challenges businesses face today. Ensuring compliance with rapidly changing sanctions regulations from different jurisdictions is essential, as failure to stay updated can result in significant legal risks. Additionally, performing a thorough sanctions screening process is intricate, requiring precise checks against global or specific sanctions lists to identify potential matches with third parties. A lack of accuracy in this process can lead to false positives or negatives, which complicates compliance efforts.

For organisations operating in high-risk zones, the need to frequently update their sanctions screening processes adds to this challenge. Changes to sanctions lists can occur daily or weekly, requiring businesses to remain vigilant to avoid unintentional violations. Conducting comprehensive due diligence is also crucial, particularly in identifying concealed beneficial owners or affiliates that could be linked to sanctioned entities. This step is often difficult but essential for effective sanctions compliance.

Incorporating best practices in Third Party Risk Management (TPRM) is another key component of managing sanctions compliance. The challenge lies in effectively integrating TPRM into a company’s broader risk management program, ensuring that it functions efficiently and thoroughly addresses potential risks. Implementing a layered approach to sanctions compliance can also be demanding, requiring both resources and technical advancements. This strategy involves maintaining multiple lines of defence to mitigate potential risks, adding an additional burden on the compliance team.

Streamlining the sanctions screening process is equally challenging, as legal and regulatory authorities often impose varying requirements. Developing an optimised approach that balances efficiency with effectiveness is essential but difficult to achieve. Lastly, managing the risks of financial crimes related to sanctions remains a daunting task, especially for businesses dealing with entities in high-risk jurisdictions. Successfully addressing these challenges requires robust strategies and a proactive approach to sanctions compliance, including: 

  • Layered Approach to Sanctions Compliance: Incorporating different levels of screening processes to ensure comprehensive coverage of sanctions lists. This gives a robust line of defence against financial crimes.
  • Third Party Due Diligence: Consistently taking time to meticulously carry out due diligence on third parties can considerably mitigate high risk.
  • Automation: Swift adoption of automated screening solutions capable of tracking the most recent sanctions list designations can streamline compliance.
  • Continuous Assessment and Improvements: Keeping screening processes under constant scrutiny helps in enhancing the capacity of systems to detect a sanctions violation before it unfolds.
  • Investing in your Compliance Team: Building a well-equipped compliance team can help in navigating sanctions compliance effectively and alleviate risk


Final Thoughts

Risk management is a complex process that requires a comprehensive approach, including a thorough screening process, due diligence, and a layered approach to sanctions compliance. Overcoming the challenges in sanctions compliance is not an easy task, but with the right strategies and a robust risk management program, it is achievable.

Remember, the goal is not just to avoid financial crimes and administrative penalties but to ensure the integrity of your supply chain and protect your business from high-risk individuals and entities. While there's no one-size-fits-all solution, the strategies discussed in this blog provide a solid foundation for building a robust sanctions compliance program. It's all about understanding the risks, implementing best practices, and continuously optimising your approach to stay ahead of the ever-evolving sanctions landscape. is a highly reliable and cost-effective solution for real-time AML and sanctions screening. To learn more about how our sanctions, PEP, and criminal watchlist screening service can support your organisation's compliance program: Book a free Discovery Call.

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New Sanctions Screening Guide
New Sanctions Screening Guide
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Download our FREE Sanctions Screening Guide and learn how to set up an effective sanctions screening process in your organization.
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