AML Compliance

4 Bizarre Money Laundering Cases You Can Learn From

Money laundering is a serious criminal offense linked to the world's most heinous crimes. However, if we were to pinpoint a defining trait of money launderers, it would undoubtedly be their remarkable creativity, sometimes verging on the bizarre.

Paul Dixon
October 26, 2023

In this article, we reveal four money laundering cases - where even a judge described a dirty money-cleaning scheme as the most bizarre crime he has encountered during his years on the bench.

But before we dive into the weird world of money laundering, it's essential to understand that although the examples may be entertaining to read - for their audacity, if nothing else - each case provides valuable insights for financial crime fighters who do such important work. 

With no further ado, let's jump straight into the bizarre money laundering cases.

1. Creating a Fake Country in Antarctica

Let's start from the bottom - literally from the earth's most southerly point. In February 2023, Italian police charged 23 people in connection with an alleged money laundering scam that involved selling citizenships for a fictitious Antarctic state.

And, of course, they had a name for it:  The Antarctic Theocratic Sovereign State of St George.

According to Italian authorities, over 700 people believed they became citizens of this non-existent state and were promised low taxation and noble titles. The criminal gang went to extreme detail by creating fake state institutions, documents, and a website - the illegal proceeds were allegedly set to be laundered in Malta.

Lesson learned: Money launderers are highly meticulous when conjuring up plans. Financial crime fighters should be able to spot money laundering patterns within elaborate schemes.

2. Distinguished Professor in the US Launders Millions of Dollars

Let's make our way north from Antarctica to the sunny state of Florida.

What makes our second money laundering case so unusual? It's the profile of the person involved: A Miami-based university professor who was an expert in, can you believe, organized crime.

In November 2021, a federal judge in Manhattan sentenced retired University of Miami professor Dr. Bruce Bagley to six months in prison for his role in laundering millions of dollars.

You can read all about the case here (it reads more like a Breaking Bad-style drama script), but to cut to the chase, in what prosecutors called a textbook case of money laundering, Dr. Bagely was caught cleaning 'dirty' money with origins in Venezuela.

Lesson learned: Money launderers often hide in plain sight and may not be who you think they are. 

3. Granny and Grandson Money Laundering Ring

We'll now make our way from Florida to the Emerald Isle for our next weird money laundering case. And by the way, this is the one alluded to earlier - the Irish judge described it as the most bizarre crime he has encountered.

So what happened?

In July 2023, a grandmother and her grandson from Limerick pleaded guilty to drugs and money laundering charges. In a nutshell, Mr. Crawford (the grandson) was a drug dealer, and his grandmother (Ms. O'Callaghan) was also involved in laundering the money. 

When initially questioned by law enforcement, Mr. Crawford said that the money discovered in the police raid came from selling a car, a raffle he was running on Facebook for a gold chain, and a loan his grandmother took out from a Credit Union. 

Lesson learned: Not all money launderers are part of large criminal organizations; some may be regular run-of-the-mill criminals.

4. London Candy Store Money Laundering Operations

Our next peculiar money laundering example is a short hop from our previous case in Ireland: London's renowned shopping district, Oxford Street.

So what's going on? Over recent years, numerous garishly pink American-style candy shops have popped up along the tourist hotspot, selling overpriced, imported candy brands from the USA.

But the sour side of the story is this: They are almost always empty (for such a prime location) and seem to be less about satisfying the sweet tooth of tourists and more about serving as a front for criminal operations. 

In 2023, with unpaid taxes and money laundering exposed, authorities are fighting back. Politicians and lawmakers also claim the now infamous Oxford Street candy stores are evidence of London's dirty money crisis.

Lesson learned: Although money laundering is rapidly moving into the digital assets realm, traditional dirty-money cleaning operations involving brick-and-mortar businesses are still rife. 

Closing Thoughts

This article led us on a journey from Antarctica to Florida, then to Ireland and the UK. If there is one final lesson to learn, it's this: Money laundering is a serious crime that can happen anywhere. Individuals from all walks of life can also be involved - often giving rise to bizarre scenarios and situations.

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Paul Dixon
Paul is a RegTech content writer & strategist with extensive experience in digital marketing and journalism. His work has appeared in the Guardian newspaper. He also holds a degree in International Relations, where he studied global sanctions compliance and cross-border finance.‍
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