Why Re-KYC Is Key For Risk Management

Re-KYC is essential for maintaining accurate customer data and mitigating financial risks. By periodically reviewing and updating customer information, financial institutions can effectively combat money laundering, fraud, and comply with regulatory standards. This proactive approach safeguards the financial system's integrity and protects both the institution and its customers.

Editorial Team
August 5, 2024

Re-KYC, or "Re-Know Your Customer", is a regulatory requirement that holds a significant place in the financial ecosystem. It's not just a box to tick off; it's a vital component of a financial institution's risk management and compliance efforts. The process involves due diligence to ensure that the information held about an individual customer is not only accurate but also current, aligning with the latest regulatory requirements.

The importance of Re-KYC extends beyond mere compliance. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the financial system. By periodically updating customer information, financial institutions can continue to meet their legal and regulatory obligations, thereby contributing to a safer and more secure financial ecosystem.

The role of re-KYC in the financial ecosystem extends beyond mere regulatory compliance. It serves as a vital component in the fight against money laundering and fraud. By ensuring that customer information is accurate and up-to-date, financial institutions can effectively monitor transactions and detect any suspicious activities.

What Is Re-KYC? 

Re-KYC, or refreshed Know Your Customer (KYC), is the periodic review and update of customer information and risk assessments. It's a crucial component of ongoing customer due diligence (CDD) and anti-money laundering (AML) compliance.

While the initial KYC process establishes a customer's identity and risk profile, the business environment, customer circumstances, and regulatory landscape evolve over time. Re-KYC ensures that customer information remains accurate, up-to-date, and relevant for assessing ongoing risks.

The Role of Sanctions Screening in Re-KYC

Sanctions screening is an integral part of the re-KYC process. It involves checking customer information against global sanctions lists to identify any matches with individuals or entities subject to financial restrictions.

  • Identifying Changes: Re-KYC includes checking for changes in customer information, such as address, occupation, or contact details. Sanctions screening can help identify if a customer has been added to a sanctions list since the initial KYC was conducted.
  • Assessing Ongoing Risk: By regularly screening customers against sanctions lists, financial institutions can assess the ongoing risk associated with the customer relationship. This helps identify potential red flags and take appropriate actions.
  • Preventing Reputational Damage: Sanctions breaches can lead to severe financial penalties and reputational damage. Re-KYC with robust sanctions screening helps mitigate these risks.
  • Meeting Regulatory Requirements: Many jurisdictions mandate periodic re-KYC and sanctions screening as part of AML compliance obligations.

Sanctions screening is a critical component of re-KYC, ensuring that financial institutions maintain accurate and up-to-date customer information and mitigate the risk of doing business with sanctioned entities.

The Re-KYC Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Complete the Declaration Form

The first step in the Re-KYC process is to complete the declaration form. This is a crucial step as it involves the customer providing their personal information to the bank. The form can be obtained from the bank and must be filled out in its entirety. It's important to ensure that all the information provided is accurate and up-to-date to avoid any complications down the line.

Once the form is filled out, it must be signed by the customer. This is a form of self-attestation, where the customer confirms that all the information they have provided is true and correct. This step is not to be taken lightly, as providing false information can lead to serious consequences.

After the form is signed, it must be returned to the bank. This can be done through various means such as email, post, courier, or physical delivery. The method of delivery will depend on the bank's policies and the customer's preference. It's important to note that the form must be returned to the bank promptly to avoid any delays in the Re-KYC process.

Step 2: Documentation

The second step in the Re-KYC process is the documentation phase. This is where the customer is required to provide updated and valid identification and address proof. The documents accepted for this purpose can vary, but they generally include government-issued IDs such as a valid passport, PAN card, or a driver's licence.

It's important to note that the documentation required may differ based on the risk category of the customer. High-risk customers may need to provide more extensive documentation compared to low-risk customers. This step is crucial in the Re-KYC process as it helps businesses ensure that the customer's information is up-to-date and accurate, thereby reducing the risk of fraud and illicit activity.

Step 3: Processing

The third step in the Re-KYC process is the processing stage. This is where the bank or financial institution takes over, leveraging technology to simplify the process and encourage customer cooperation. The documents provided by the customer are thoroughly checked and verified.

The entire procedure is not just for the bank's benefit. It's also for the customer's protection. The Re-KYC process is a regulatory requirement designed to prevent identity theft and fraud. It's a necessary step that, when done via video, can significantly streamline the process.

Key Features of a Robust Re-KYC Platform

In the ever-evolving landscape of banking and finance, a robust Re-KYC platform is a necessity. It's not just about compliance, but also about enhancing security and efficiency. In this section, we'll delve into the key features that make a Re-KYC platform truly robust and reliable. From biometric authentication to compliance features, these elements are crucial in ensuring a seamless and secure Re-KYC process.

Biometric Authentication and Facial Recognition

Biometric authentication and facial recognition are two key features of a robust Re-KYC platform. These technologies enhance the security and reliability of the KYC process, significantly reducing the risk of fraudulent activities and identity theft.

Biometric authentication leverages biometric data like fingerprints, facial recognition, or iris scans for user verification. This not only bolsters security but also enhances the user experience by eliminating the need for traditional passwords or PINs.

Facial recognition, on the other hand, employs advanced algorithms to confirm the user’s presence in real-time. This technology is particularly useful in liveness detection, ensuring that the person undergoing KYC is physically present and not attempting to use a static image or video for identity verification.

Management and Compliance Features

A robust Re-KYC platform is not just about biometric authentication and facial recognition; it also encompasses a range of management and compliance features. These features are designed to ensure that the platform is not only efficient but also adheres to the necessary regulatory standards.

One key feature of a Re-KYC platform is its ability to manage and update customer information on a daily basis. This is crucial for both public and private companies, as well as portfolio companies, as it ensures that their customer data is always up-to-date. This feature is particularly important for financial institutions such as banks and mutual funds, where customer information changes frequently.

Another essential feature is compliance. A Re-KYC platform must be able to adhere to the regulatory standards set by financial authorities. This includes ensuring that the platform is capable of conducting thorough sanctions screening, which is a critical aspect of regulatory compliance. By incorporating these features, a Re-KYC platform can provide a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to streamline their KYC processes.

Understanding the Connection Between Re-KYC and Sanctions Screening

Re-KYC, or the revalidation of Know Your Customer data, plays a pivotal role in identifying sanctioned individuals and entities within the financial system. It's a crucial part of the regulatory compliance process that financial institutions must adhere to.

The process involves updating customer information at regular intervals, as mandated by regulatory standards. This ensures that the data held by the financial institution is current and accurate, thereby reducing the risk level associated with money laundering or fraud.

By conducting due diligence through Re-KYC, financial institutions can effectively screen for individuals or entities that may be under sanctions. This not only fulfils their legal and regulatory obligations but also safeguards the integrity of the financial industry.

The Future of Re-KYC: Embracing Technology and Compliance

The future of Re-KYC is set to be shaped by the increasing adoption of technology and compliance measures. The use of biometric authentication and facial recognition is becoming a vital component in the financial industry, helping businesses to streamline the process and encourage customer cooperation. The role of re-KYC in sanctions screening cannot be overstated.

And it's fundamental to remember this: Screening customers against sanctions and criminal watchlists is a crucial facet of re-KYC. Here is how we can help: is a highly reliable and cost-effective solution for real-time screening. AI-powered and with an enterprise-grade API with 99.99% uptime are reasons why customers globally trust us with their compliance efforts and sanctions screening needs.

To learn more about how our sanctions, PEP, and criminal watchlist screening service can support your organisation's compliance program: Book a free Discovery Call.

We also encourage you to take advantage of our free 7-day trial to get started with your sanctions and AML screening (no credit card is required).

New Sanctions Screening Guide
Download our FREE Sanctions Screening Guide and learn how to set up an effective sanctions screening process in your organization.
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This article was put together by the expert editorial team.
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