Sanctions Compliance

Real-Time Sanctions Screening: A Comprehensive Guide

Real-time sanctions screening is an advanced technique to check individuals and businesses against global sanction lists to identify and prevent financial crimes. It uses AI and machine learning to ensure accuracy and efficiency while keeping up with the frequent updates of sanction lists. This helps businesses comply with regulations, avoid hefty fines, and maintain a good reputation.

Editorial Team
July 23, 2024

Sanctions screening is the process that financial institutions of checking individuals and entities against sanction lists to identify potential high-risk customers. These lists are compiled by governments and international organisations to restrict financial activities and trade with people or groups involved in terrorism, money laundering, or other illegal activities.

Real-time sanctions screening is a proactive, risk-based approach offering immediate updates to reflect changes in global sanctions. It's not just about maintaining compliance, but also about protecting an organisation's reputation. With the geopolitical instability in regions like Eastern Europe and the Middle East, sanctions lists can change rapidly. If firms aren't quick to react to suspicious transactions or customers, they risk enabling sanctions evasion and the consequent reputational damage.

Real-time sanctions screening provides immediate updates, reflecting changes in global sanctions swiftly. Advanced features of sanctions screening software, such as machine learning capabilities and advanced entity matching, minimise human errors and streamline the anti-money laundering screening process. 

Let’s take a closer look at how these tools work, and how your business can benefit. 

How Real-Time Sanctions Screening Works

Real-time sanctions screening is a dynamic process that leverages advanced technology to ensure compliance with global sanctions. It's a critical component of risk management in the financial sector. The screening solution works by continuously monitoring and updating sanctions lists, ensuring that the data is always current and accurate.

The software uses AI technologies like natural language processing to accurately match entities and minimise false positives. It's designed to handle high volumes of transactions and integrate seamlessly with existing compliance systems.

When it comes to sanctions risk screening, the right software can make all the difference. It's not just about having a screening solution, but having one that's equipped with the right features, including:

  • Real-time updates from major sanctioning bodies like the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), His Majesty’s Treasury (HMT), and the European Union (EU).
  • A quick response time, averaging around 350ms, that supports real-time screening. This is crucial for live-onboarding and event-driven transaction screening.
  • High-volume batch screening capabilities. The API should be able to handle concurrent processing of large batches, making it ideal for periodic screenings of entire business partner databases.
  • Enterprise-grade reliability with an uptime of more than 99.99%. This ensures that the API services are always available when you need them.

Smart Matching Technology is another crucial feature to consider when choosing sanctions screening software. This technology leverages advanced AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to tackle real-world matching challenges. It's designed to handle diverse name phenomena, transliteration issues in non-Latin languages, nicknames, spelling errors, and honorifics.

The technology's primary goal is to reduce false positives while ensuring no real matches slip through. It's a delicate balance, but with the right software, it's achievable. The software should be capable of distinguishing between similar names, such as Jesus, Heyzeus, and Haezoos, or Abdul Rasheed and Abd al-Rashid.

The software should also have the ability to recognise semantic similarities, like Eagle Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Eagle Drugs, Co. This level of precision is vital in risk management and makes the sanction screening process more efficient and reliable.

Challenges of Real-Time Sanctions Screening

Ensuring compliance can be a daunting task for any organisation. The challenges are multifaceted, ranging from managing vast data sources to monitoring payment flows, and from language translation to screening transactions in real time.

Managing the Vastness of Data Sources

Managing the vastness of data sources is a significant challenge in real-time sanctions screening. Organisations often grapple with disconnected data sources, making it difficult to establish comprehensive screening practices. The need for instantaneous retrieval, screening, and flagging of millions of records adds to the complexity.

The internal data must be screened against numerous state, federal, and international watch lists. This includes global watchlists like OFAC’s SDN list, which alone contains thousands of prohibited entities. The requirement to re-screen data when list updates are issued further complicates the process.

Transaction monitoring and sanctions checks should be repeated throughout the entire customer lifecycle, which adds to the amount of data that needs to be processed.

Language Translation/Transliteration

The challenge of language translation and transliteration in real-time sanctions screening cannot be overstated. With the global economy's expansion, businesses are dealing with data in multiple languages. This diversity often leads to complications in AML compliance, as many regulatory agencies provide lists only in Roman characters.

Screening solutions may fail to identify prohibited transactions due to inadequate translation and transliteration processes. This can result in regulatory fines and the risk of losing customers or vendors identified as false positives.

Name matching technology, powered by NLP and Machine Learning, addresses these issues. It covers diverse name phenomena and transliteration issues in non-Latin languages, significantly reducing false positives and ensuring no real matches slip through the cracks.

Monitoring Payment Flows

Monitoring payment flows in real-time sanctions screening is a daunting task. The complexity arises from the sheer volume of transactions and the diversity of sources. As a business expands its customer base and diversifies its offerings, the task of tracking the flow of payments becomes exponentially more challenging.

The screening solution must be capable of handling payment flows at scale, without disrupting the flow of business or inconveniencing the end user. This could mean managing millions of names and billions of transactions across numerous systems, all while ensuring that all parties involved in every transaction are screened against the appropriate lists, in accordance with industry regulations.

The integration of this vast amount of data into a sanctions screening solution must be seamless and non-disruptive to maintain operational efficiency. The end user should remain blissfully unaware of the complex sanctions screens that occur when they initiate a transaction, unless, of course, they are flagged.

Screening Transactions in Real Time

Screening transactions in real time is a critical aspect of risk management. It's the frontline defence against financial crime. However, it's not without its challenges.

The primary hurdle is the sheer speed of transactions. In today's digital age, financial transactions occur at lightning speed. This rapid pace can make it difficult for sanctions screening software to keep up, potentially allowing prohibited transactions to slip through the cracks.

The response time of the screening solution is crucial as well. If the system takes too long to flag a suspicious transaction, it might be too late to prevent it. Therefore, a balance between comprehensive sanctions data analysis and swift response time is essential.

The Importance of Real-Time Screening in Sanctions Compliance

The importance of real-time sanctions screening cannot be overstated. It is a critical component of risk management, helping businesses to avoid financial crime, negative news, and maintain compliance with AML regulations. The right screening solution should offer comprehensive sanctions data, a fast and reliable RESTful API for real-time and batch screening, smart matching technology, and user-friendly API documentation.

It should also be capable of processing high-volume requests, providing auditable timestamps, and offering global coverage of PEP (politically exposed person) and criminal watchlist databases. As we look to the future, the role of AI and machine learning in sanctions screening is set to increase, promising more efficient and accurate results. Despite the challenges, the benefits of real-time sanctions screening are clear, making it an essential tool for businesses in various applications. is a highly reliable and cost-effective solution for real-time sanctions and AML screening. AI-powered and with an enterprise-grade API with 99.99% uptime are reasons why customers globally trust us with their compliance efforts and sanctions screening needs.

To learn more about how our sanctions, PEP, and criminal watchlist screening service can support your organisation's compliance program: Book a free Discovery Call.

We also encourage you to take advantage of our free 7-day trial to get started with your sanctions and AML screening (no credit card is required).

New Sanctions Screening Guide
Download our FREE Sanctions Screening Guide and learn how to set up an effective sanctions screening process in your organization.
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